It all starts with observation

Observation, that is the very essence of interior design according to Janny Schep. "It is the key to everything. You have to observe the light play in the space, the dimensions and the proportions, the textures and structure. It’s all interplay." Entirely self-taught and with no formal interior design training, Janny has been an interior designer for more than 15 years. Most likely driven by her natural empathy and strong intuition. "By listening carefully and observing I have no problems finding what makes a person at ease, comfortable. That is what it is all about. For me an interior design is only ever successful if it gives the other person a feeling of coming home.”

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From an early age

Janny was obsessed with interiors from an early age. "I think that I always knew deep down that I would do something with it," she reflects. "Anything with colour, atmosphere and materials, that really appealed to me. I can also vividly remember specific details from my childhood. I still remember my mother, she was a dressmaker, making a beret for a dressage rider. I can still see the fabric she used lying on the table. A rich, deep purple and cream velvet. For me this was like gold. It really grabbed me."

Janny developed her insight into scale, dimensions, fabrics, their qualities and finishes at a very early age. "I learned to entertain myself in a square metre with whatever was at hand. It was invention born out of necessity because we lived in a remote part of the flat lands.  I put different coloured spools of thread together and used my imagination. I see with hindsight that this was my first learning experience."

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A change of course

It took a while before Janny could turn her passion into her profession. She lacked confidence in her creative abilities when she was young. "In terms of education, I focused on my other interests, the development of children and adults," she says. She elected to train to work in Childcare and worked in a nursery, in a day care centre for adults with learning disabilities and as a family coach and baby massage instructor.

In 2002 she decided it was time to change direction completely. "My husband and I had a busy family life with our four daughters. This, in combination with my job left very little space for me to express my creativity. At a certain point I just thought: 'I'm just going to stop everything'. From that moment I focused on colour and interiors."

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Coming home

“I've always been interested in life between the age of 0 to 18 with everything focused on play and upbringing. That's a process where I feel at home. Interiors are integral to this."

The name 'Janny Schep' is a household name in this field. Her customer base isn't just schools and children's day care centres but also physiotherapists, churches and private customers. "I don't limit myself to any particular field. I'm excited by every commission.”

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It's all about feeling

Janny has learned that people are curiously unaware of the effects of scale. "Getting it right has a massive impact on the spatial experience. Sometimes they just can’t understand that an extra 20cm of length on a table can deliver a huge amount to the space. It's only when they see it on the plan that they really get it. At that moment they really get it.”

For Janny, interiors are primarily about feelings. "This feeling doesn't require explanation and doesn't follow trends. It’s 'theirs' and is deeply personal. An interior gives you a space where you can really kick back. But it’s also a place for hospitality. You really have to feel comfortable.”

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Janny enjoys surprising people with her designs. "Engaging people with something that they might never have thought of themselves. It isn't really an end in itself, but i can really contribute something it."

She illustrates: "Before I started working as an interior designer, I designed a birthday seat for a friend that worked at a nursery. I used beautiful colours coupled with a red velvet cushion with gold pompoms.  When the chair was revealed to the toddlers, a little boy spontaneously grabbed the cushion off the chair. I found that so funny. Apparently that was something that he really liked."

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A personal conversation

An interior is something very personal. That's why clear communication and an ordered approach is essential for a successful commission. "When people approach me for the first time for advice on their interior, they are still a little bit uncertain, they have questions," confirms Janny. "Will you do what we want? And what will happen then? That's why I always start with a one-to-one conversation where I can listen to their expectations. That gives us a good starting point."

She elaborates: "Its about addressing concerns, from the beginning of the assignment to the end. It's in everyone's interests: it gives me peace of mind when the client knows exactly what's goin on. I'm involved from the very first contact until the presentation of the interior design. Often an assignment goes further than that; I can take responsibility for the entire project management and realisation."

The combination of her strong project management and surprising designs seems to work well. "To date I only have satisfied customers," smiles Janny. "They are genuinely happy and enjoy their transformed rooms, where everything has found its place. They really appreciate my professional and creative contributions. Details that they never could have imagined themselves, without it looking like an entirely different house or business.

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Light, air and space

Three elements flow like a thread through all of Janny's designs. "Light, air and space are very important. That's a kind of internal standard for me. These concepts create balance in an interior."

Janny is a style cameleon. She dares a lot with color. "As long as it remains refined and balanced." She goes on: "I have noticed that there's always a touch of dissonance on my designs. A knowing wink or a tiny bit of madness."

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Janny takes inspiration from her environment. "Everything around me. During walks along the canals and rivers and also when I am on holiday abroad. The natural environment, certain flowers, beautiful fabrics and inspiring images. Mostly from books of prints and magazines, I devour these. I regularly visit museums with a close friend, an artist, and  I keep a close eye on trendwatchers like Lidewij Edelkoort. It strikes me that I'm often ahead of the trends. This is one of the benefits of really observing your surroundings. You get to see the movements, the shifting styles and the connections."

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Janny is energised by collaboration: "My regular sparring partner is the interior designer Mirte Hartman." Along with her she has intensive contact with a range of people. "Whether its the contractor, decorator, cabinet maker or upholsterer. Together we get the best results." 

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Exceptional work

One of Janny's most special assignments was for a memorial. "The Thabor Church in Vuren asked me to design a place for remembrance. A place to reflect upon life and death. As with the celebration of life, such as the birth of a child or a christening it also had to function as a place of remembrance when someone has passed away,"

"Although it was small scale, I thought it was a really nice assignment.  On the one hand, because I could interpret the wishes of a congregation composed of people of different ages, and on the other hand, because I could take care of the whole process of design, purchasing and realisation myself. The table, a vase with flowers, the art work  and two books: one white linen book for births and christenings and a purple book to record the names of the people that have passed away. All deeply personal. It’s also used for services and celebrations. That makes it very special for me."

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Janny Schep


Janny Schep

Lunet 12 4214 GA Vuren 06 124 238 41 contact@jannyschep.nl
CC 11052822